
How to store opened canned fish?

Canned fish, a constant companion for trips and impetuous meals, is a rich source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids that can be found in every home. But what if you open the can and can’t eat it all in one sitting? Do not worry! With a few simple tricks, you can preserve the freshness and delicious taste of opened canned fish for a few more days.

In this article, we’ll take a trip into the world of canned fish storage and tell you how to get the most out of this nutritious food.

The main enemy of freshness: Oxygen and bacteria

After opening the lid of the can, the first enemy of the freshness and pleasant taste of the fish is the oxygen in the air. Over time, oxygen causes the oxidation of fish fats and makes its taste unpleasant. In addition, bacteria also find a golden opportunity to grow and multiply in the moist environment inside the canned food.

Solutions to preserve freshness and taste

To overcome these enemies and preserve the freshness and taste of opened canned fish, you should apply three golden principles:

1. Transfer to a closed container

The first step is to transfer the remaining fish from the metal canning container to an airtight glass or plastic container. Metal containers can react with fish and affect its taste.

2. Oxygen removal:

Remove as much air as possible. You can do this by pressing the lid of the container or using special bags to release the air.

3. Storage in the refrigerator:

Finally, place the container containing the fish in the coldest part of the refrigerator, i.e. at 4 degrees Celsius or less. The low temperature of the refrigerator dramatically slows down the growth of bacteria.

Additional tips for keeping tuna

  • Use the speed of the action as a seasoning:

After opening the can, act as quickly as possible and transfer the fish to an airtight container and refrigerate. The longer the fish is exposed to the air, the more its taste and quality will be affected.

  • Do not leave the fish alone:

If you are not sure that you can eat all the fish within 2-3 days (the ideal shelf life in the refrigerator), it is better to separate and freeze some of it from the beginning.

  • Keep an eye out for signs of corruption:

Unpleasant smell, discoloration and mold are among the signs of spoilage of opened canned fish. If you see any of these symptoms, you should immediately discard the fish.


By following the simple tips mentioned in this article, you can easily preserve the freshness and pleasant taste of opened canned fish for a few more days and enjoy this nutritious food in your various meals. Remember that speed, using the right container and keeping it in the fridge are the keys to this delicious adventure.

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