Frequently Asked Questions

Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

Yes, the product you see in the picture may differ from the product you will receive. To ensure that you receive the exact product, it is better to contact the seller or store in question.

Can I see my purchase receipt?

To view your purchase receipt, you can log into your account and go to the order or transaction history section. In this section, you can view the details of your orders, including the purchase receipt.

How can I return a product?

To return a product, you can first contact the customer service department and register a product return request. Then, you can return the item to the specified address based on the store's return policy. Your return will probably be accepted if the item is in unused condition and with original packaging.

Are you planning to restock items that are out of stock?

Yes, we regularly try to restock items that are out of stock. Please visit our site periodically or subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates.

Where can I place my order?

To place an order, you can visit our online store and add the products you want to the shopping cart, and then enter the shipping and payment information by logging in to your account or registration and finalize your order.

Contact us for any questions